Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 - An overview part 1

2011 has been a whirlwind of activity and globe trotting, with our lives in the Philippines improving in many important ways with the likelihood of a further 2 to 3 years here. Xmas and new year was spent in Thailand with Claire, Jeff and kids a hugely successful trip with new year let in from a balcony in Bangkok watching the city’s fireworks. The start of an amazing year 
January and February 2011 was taken up with the film making which will have its worldwide release at the Berlin film festival in February 2012.

Marc and I are listed on the official festival programme next to Isabel Huppert which feels rather strange as we played along side Filipino superstars and winners of international awards. Both marc and myself have appeared in as extras in Nat Geo programmes, and get invited to do castings for extras from time to time for commercials etc but often we are too busy with our day jobs to pursue. Not exactly Oscar nominated film stars but its a fun way to make a few an unlikely mid life career change .

Angelica had her 7th birthday in March at Chillis a restaurant and finally got a puppy for her birthday, a local Askal (street dog). I also finally got my Wheels  and became a Manila driver ..... Having the car has transformed our lives, I drive the kids to school as many days as I can and share in a car pool with other parents, and we have been out of manila on a number of trips...its great to have the freedom to explore more and stop where we please although to be honest the greatest benefit is being able to jump i the car and do the shopping, drop the kids off at “play” dates without walking or taking taxis, especially in the rainy season 

Gianna graduated from Grade school with a formal ceremony, gown and hat as well as the ball!!

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