Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Xmas and New Year 2008

Well can’t believe Xmas is here again – Its come around so quickly – still not used to this Xmas in the summer lark. There are of course lots of lights, Christmas carols everywhere trains/buses/shops and has been since early September. House sand tower blocks are covered in lights and everyone wants a Xmas tip…..but somehow still miss the wrapping up warm, fires, hot toddies – probably romanticising about it now as sure would be cold and miserable if actually there.

Talking of cold the girls are “shivering”as the temp as finally dipped down to around 24/25 and it feels positively cool. Up in Baguio which is higher up it apparently got down to 9 degrees and everyone is talking about it.

Mum is now back home and I think the trip was a success. It worked out more costly than expected as the pound took a dive half way thru her time her to below P70 to the pound. Good job we have dollars here to live on at the moment as the pounds we would otherwise have to bring over would be worth 25% less than when we arrived! Otherwise the financial crisis has not hot here yet. The buildings are still going up at an incredible rate and the malls are full and busy.

On the news we see reports of retailers closing so it seems the reach crunch at home is yet to hit home ...although the rate relief is of course very welcome when I actually find out what it is as have lost internet passwords I no have idea what is happening.

Marc has stared his new job as Business Development Manager for the executive search department at a recruitment Agency. It’s a very exciting job, lots of responsibility with his own team. Hes been rather stressed as thrown in at the deep end doing strategic planning and budgets for next year. But he seems to be enjoying the perks playing with his very posh new mobile phone and laptop. The hours are very long and will remain so until we either sort out a car or move house. Neither of which we can plan until we know what sort of job or income I am going to get.

Up until Marc getting the job I had sorta thought we could move elsewhere in Asia or even the Pacific but now Marc has found something he seems to enjoy at least so far, and would look good on a CV anywhere in the world – I will concentrate my efforts here in the Philippines. His salary is not enough for us to live on (yet) but pays the rent and the school fees so goes a long way to supporting our outgoings.

I have applied for a few things without any success – I’m also chasing some consultancy work with both local and overseas companies ……Hey maybe Marc cab get me a job thru his work? I’m looking at an official end date at Easter although I can extend – we could survive for another 6-8 months on my VSO allowance and savings with Marcs money but I am now getting fed up of making the sacrifices and the uncertainty.

I WANT my car and some decent furniture if we are staying – feels we have been living in temporary circumstance's for too long and I’d like to make a proper home if we are staying. The house we have is great but everything in it was purchased with the short term in mind – it would be a relief to feel we have made some long term decisions.

The run up to Xmas was hectic with lots of social engagements with friends and work mates. I was also away for 3 trips immediately b4 Xmas implementing some of my KM initiative's out in the provinces. Angelica performed a great Xmas number with her classmates which I’ll upload via You Tube.

I took Gianna to Tondo, a tip where people live as rubbish pickers just to remind her that there is another side to Manila. She was a real trooper after getting over the retching caused by the smell of the dump which people live in. There were 300 manic kids inside all having their first Xmas party - there was nearly a Santa stampede. It was hot smelly and fun at the same time just shocking to see how people live. People at home have no idea how lucky they are to have the welfare state and no matter how grotty accomodation, is will be better than a cardboard house on a dumpsite.

On the way home we went via the new school being built from old donated container trucks. Truly inspired but still needing funds for completion. Education is probably the only way out of the dump for most of the kids you see in the photos.

What a contrast to the way we live ..

We went off to a house near Mayamaya Resort, Nasugbu over Xmas with friends Leona, Michael and Ashley. Jerome and his Girlfriend Lynette came and joined us so was a quite a party on Xmas day. Mel, kids and friends also joined us at the house and we joined them at the resort – so we didn’t feel too lonely. Xmas was a huge success for the girls – they were happy with their (Ebay) Nintendos and and Angelica with her pink barbie car that spent more time in the pool than dry land but seems to have survived.

The Jury is still out as far as New year is concerned I could happily hang out in Manila till we go back to work on the 5th January but Marc, who of course travels much less than me would like another trip to the provinces maybe 100 islands national park to the north of Manila. So watch this space…I rather fancy seeing the Manila mayhem that is New Year but once we’re in the middle of it we may of course think differently. Seems like I have been constantly travelling since we got back in the summer, sometimes really not knowing what island I was on, but then I won’t complain as there could be worse options such as tied to a desk in Manila…..or London!

So what for 2009 ? Usual January diet and a week in Samar making a film on fishing sanctuaries and alternative Livelihood projects. A trip to Davao and lots of job applications….things slowed down over Xmas so hoping new opportunities will present themselves in the NY. I will apply for UN volunteers which get paid a very good wage for here and see if any short term placements in case nothing else comes up. Erica is doing her grand tour so hope to see her and some other visitors this way ...they were a bit thin on the ground in the second half of 2008. (hint hint you know who u are!)

I miss all my friends and family at this time of year and of course I hope we will make it home for a trip if we don’t move back in 2009. Maybe in May this year to avoid last years stresses but then again I’m desperate to get to a festival so may need to reconsider . Feeling rather old these days so need to spend more time with degenerates my own age so I don’t feel l'm the oldest raver in town!!…. One thing I have learnt is that you cannot replace 10/20/30 +year friendships, how lucky one is to have them in the first place and how important it is to stay in touch...
So to u all (newer friends included of course) - love you lots - a really big hug and got have a great 2009 -we'll meet somewhere sometime during the year I hope..

Anyway have to go – need to decide whether we are leaving or staying in Manila tomorrow…..

Happy New Year xxxxx

Monday, December 1, 2008