Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gianna's triumphant Day and Gloria sinks deeper into trouble!!!

Since Christmas Gianna has been practicing at weekends and after school for the cheerdance display at school. She was then voted by her classmates to represent them in the Mr and Mrs Contest. I have to say that at times I nearly pulled her out as she was so exhausted dancing everyday and attending school on Saturday resulting in much grumpiness at home, however yesterday her hard hard work all paid off.

The Mr and Mrs contest was really a beauty pagent. They had to wear different outfits and talk about quailities of a "good Augustinian". When we arrived and saw the lavish outfits the other kids were wearing I didn't expect Gianna to stand a chance. I mean, these kids had make-up artists, hairdressers and choreographers to help them. It was all taken extremely seriously. Back stage was rammed with people of indeterminate gender tottering around on high heels camping it up whilst pumping and preeming the small divas. There were squeals and screams as candidates names were called out......all very entertaining.

I had given in and bought gianna a new dress which I though was a bit posh - when we got back stage I realised the other kids were in bloody ball gowns....

I was shocked but pleased when she got into the final 10 . They then had to answer questions on how they would save the world - just like Miss world!! "I'd like to help small children, save extinct animals " . Gianna of course had her confident smile throughout, beamed straight at the judges and never faltered when given the chance of speaking into the microphone. All the same given the competition we were amazed she won Ms Photogenic grade 4 and came second in the title of Mrs Grade 4. Just because she had the simplest dress and the least makeup. There was a crown and two lots of flowers and 2 sashes....and tears....... not Gianna who was busy lapping up the cameras of course but the guy who won Mr Grade 4....very filipino

Then we went onto the Cheerdance performance which I have to say was just incredible. There are around 600 kids in each year and grade 4,5,6,7 took part in the performance - yes thats right all 2500 kids

Each year/grade had a cheerdance team of about 40 kids and then the rest of the year took part in cordinated line dancing and hand movements. They all had fantastic costumes and props. The theme was the 4 elements and Gianna's year were fire...complete with fire eaters, olypmpic flame ( they seem quite fond of this as came out at the sports fest too) and a chinese dragon. There were human pyramids and gymnastics and great music . All the kids sat in neat rows until their time came and then for grand finale all performed the school song. Icould see the similarity to the You tube videos of the inmates dancing in neat rows at the prison in Cebu.... I have put videos on You tube its hard to work out which is Gianna (shes one of the smallest and on far right )but anyways you get the idea of what they did...In the background u can see the 500+ other kids from her year doing the backing movements. There are about 6 videos so look under camperbelle

Now Gloria on the other hand (the president) had a bad day yesterday- death threats and a demonstration against her . Whilst the Brits get on the streets at a drop of a hat it is not common for Filipinos to demonstrate . Finally however there does seem to be some momentum building against the amount of corruption in government.

Recently we've been treated to daily senate hearings questioning the latest whistle blower on alledged millions of peso commissons to be paid to politicians in a national broadband project. The claim is that projects are routinely overpriced by as much as 20% to pay politicans for securing deals. This poor guy was first sent out the country by the government so he couldn't testify then when he came back under his own steam he was "kidnapped" at the airport and driven around for hours whilst being made to sign various statements. Upon release he was so scared he took refuge in a convent and only energed to attend the senate hearings and tell his story, literally ringed by hand holding nuns. Very dramatic if a little OTT. This does seem a more coherant attack on the palace (government) not least as the bishops are calling for the corruption to be stopped. Once the catholic church wades in then things may begin to happen, they have such influence here. Its hard to see that the palace could ever mount a credible investigation although Gloria has called for one, or take appropriate action , as the her husband is constantly linked with the whole affair.

Meanwhile life goes on - work is good although budgets still uncertain. The weather is dryer and cooler especially at night. I've lots of travel in next month or so trialing some KM tools I have developed. Recently visited some lovely conference places with work including one on Lake Laguna which faced a fabulous sunset over the lake everynight. Hopefully Marc and the kids can tag along with my up coming trips as kids break up at Easter for 2.5 months. Anyway must sign off kids swimming party to attend and I have to get to gym as still working on the Xmas pounds :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Corregidor capers

today we went to corregidor!
What a great day out! I had expected a rather dry tour of 2nd world war memorbilia. Instead we were treated to a fasinating insight into a different perspective of the war. I hadn't ever really thought about the war in Asia, I mean everyone knows that the bombing of pearl harbour led to the dropping of the "bomb" but I had no idea what had else had happned in the region. The tour was very informative and provided a context to the carpet bombing of Manila which is largely responsible for the mess it appears today. However the real treat was the wildlife. I saw more birds on Corregidor than anywhere else in the Philippines and a real treat was to see 2 pairs of the rare Philippines Eagle. We discovered you can camp there overnight - a tent for 4 people with bedding is P500. The camp site is next to the beach and as you can easily walk the length of the island this is a great overnight trip only an hour from Manila bay on the boat.
This trip is definitely a must for any visit to Manila. !!!