Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Xmas and New Year 2008

Well can’t believe Xmas is here again – Its come around so quickly – still not used to this Xmas in the summer lark. There are of course lots of lights, Christmas carols everywhere trains/buses/shops and has been since early September. House sand tower blocks are covered in lights and everyone wants a Xmas tip…..but somehow still miss the wrapping up warm, fires, hot toddies – probably romanticising about it now as sure would be cold and miserable if actually there.

Talking of cold the girls are “shivering”as the temp as finally dipped down to around 24/25 and it feels positively cool. Up in Baguio which is higher up it apparently got down to 9 degrees and everyone is talking about it.

Mum is now back home and I think the trip was a success. It worked out more costly than expected as the pound took a dive half way thru her time her to below P70 to the pound. Good job we have dollars here to live on at the moment as the pounds we would otherwise have to bring over would be worth 25% less than when we arrived! Otherwise the financial crisis has not hot here yet. The buildings are still going up at an incredible rate and the malls are full and busy.

On the news we see reports of retailers closing so it seems the reach crunch at home is yet to hit home ...although the rate relief is of course very welcome when I actually find out what it is as have lost internet passwords I no have idea what is happening.

Marc has stared his new job as Business Development Manager for the executive search department at a recruitment Agency. It’s a very exciting job, lots of responsibility with his own team. Hes been rather stressed as thrown in at the deep end doing strategic planning and budgets for next year. But he seems to be enjoying the perks playing with his very posh new mobile phone and laptop. The hours are very long and will remain so until we either sort out a car or move house. Neither of which we can plan until we know what sort of job or income I am going to get.

Up until Marc getting the job I had sorta thought we could move elsewhere in Asia or even the Pacific but now Marc has found something he seems to enjoy at least so far, and would look good on a CV anywhere in the world – I will concentrate my efforts here in the Philippines. His salary is not enough for us to live on (yet) but pays the rent and the school fees so goes a long way to supporting our outgoings.

I have applied for a few things without any success – I’m also chasing some consultancy work with both local and overseas companies ……Hey maybe Marc cab get me a job thru his work? I’m looking at an official end date at Easter although I can extend – we could survive for another 6-8 months on my VSO allowance and savings with Marcs money but I am now getting fed up of making the sacrifices and the uncertainty.

I WANT my car and some decent furniture if we are staying – feels we have been living in temporary circumstance's for too long and I’d like to make a proper home if we are staying. The house we have is great but everything in it was purchased with the short term in mind – it would be a relief to feel we have made some long term decisions.

The run up to Xmas was hectic with lots of social engagements with friends and work mates. I was also away for 3 trips immediately b4 Xmas implementing some of my KM initiative's out in the provinces. Angelica performed a great Xmas number with her classmates which I’ll upload via You Tube.

I took Gianna to Tondo, a tip where people live as rubbish pickers just to remind her that there is another side to Manila. She was a real trooper after getting over the retching caused by the smell of the dump which people live in. There were 300 manic kids inside all having their first Xmas party - there was nearly a Santa stampede. It was hot smelly and fun at the same time just shocking to see how people live. People at home have no idea how lucky they are to have the welfare state and no matter how grotty accomodation, is will be better than a cardboard house on a dumpsite.

On the way home we went via the new school being built from old donated container trucks. Truly inspired but still needing funds for completion. Education is probably the only way out of the dump for most of the kids you see in the photos.

What a contrast to the way we live ..

We went off to a house near Mayamaya Resort, Nasugbu over Xmas with friends Leona, Michael and Ashley. Jerome and his Girlfriend Lynette came and joined us so was a quite a party on Xmas day. Mel, kids and friends also joined us at the house and we joined them at the resort – so we didn’t feel too lonely. Xmas was a huge success for the girls – they were happy with their (Ebay) Nintendos and and Angelica with her pink barbie car that spent more time in the pool than dry land but seems to have survived.

The Jury is still out as far as New year is concerned I could happily hang out in Manila till we go back to work on the 5th January but Marc, who of course travels much less than me would like another trip to the provinces maybe 100 islands national park to the north of Manila. So watch this space…I rather fancy seeing the Manila mayhem that is New Year but once we’re in the middle of it we may of course think differently. Seems like I have been constantly travelling since we got back in the summer, sometimes really not knowing what island I was on, but then I won’t complain as there could be worse options such as tied to a desk in Manila…..or London!

So what for 2009 ? Usual January diet and a week in Samar making a film on fishing sanctuaries and alternative Livelihood projects. A trip to Davao and lots of job applications….things slowed down over Xmas so hoping new opportunities will present themselves in the NY. I will apply for UN volunteers which get paid a very good wage for here and see if any short term placements in case nothing else comes up. Erica is doing her grand tour so hope to see her and some other visitors this way ...they were a bit thin on the ground in the second half of 2008. (hint hint you know who u are!)

I miss all my friends and family at this time of year and of course I hope we will make it home for a trip if we don’t move back in 2009. Maybe in May this year to avoid last years stresses but then again I’m desperate to get to a festival so may need to reconsider . Feeling rather old these days so need to spend more time with degenerates my own age so I don’t feel l'm the oldest raver in town!!…. One thing I have learnt is that you cannot replace 10/20/30 +year friendships, how lucky one is to have them in the first place and how important it is to stay in touch...
So to u all (newer friends included of course) - love you lots - a really big hug and got have a great 2009 -we'll meet somewhere sometime during the year I hope..

Anyway have to go – need to decide whether we are leaving or staying in Manila tomorrow…..

Happy New Year xxxxx

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mums visit 2008

Mum arrived the first week in November shortly after Marc’s departure for the Bahamas. We hired a car to pick her up from the airport as we planned to take her to fireworks that evening at Nomads sports bar.

She ended up arriving 2 hours late as Qatar had changed the time of her flight without telling her. She had a terrible time in Doha with a longish stopover. She had been promised assistance which seemed to be lacking…won’t be rushing to fly with them again.

The girls and I made it over to Nomads which turned out to be a fun night. Bonfire complete with Guy Fawkes effigy much to Angelicas consternation. She was gravely concerned for the person on top of the bonfire. All the usual suspects were there and was a very jolly night. Gianna had a friend from CSA (her school) there as well as the kids from BSM (he British school) so she was well happy!

The next morning I got up at some unearthly hour to take part in a fundraising run at the fort. In the event I did the beauty walk with our good friend Sarah – however in the photos I did try to look like I had completed the 15km…. The following week I spent 3 days endurance trip to Samar which included getting up at 3.30am for the early flight to Tacloban then a 6 hour trip in van over terrible roads to Borongan. (Ate at rather good restaurant near the seafront but can’t remember name must add it later.)

Then back 3 hours over the same terrible roads to Giuaan. We stayed at Tanhay again which has great food and newly refurbished rooms. The Regional Director of VSO Asia was in town and I was accompanying the CD and PM on a short tour of the Samar projects and to carry out an Exit workshop for partners….needless to say by the time we were back in manila on Friday I was pretty whacked. I usually enjoy it when all the volunteers get together but from time to time there are the ones that moan so much and so needy for attention you do wonder how on earth they ever got thru the selection process.

Can’t complain too much as the day after I got back to Manila we flew to Boracay for the weekend which was rather nice. It’s the most developed beach in the Philippines’ and so different to anywhere else. It’s rather a shame that they get so many visitors who don’t go elsewhere in the Philippines as you would get a completely different impression of the place if that’s all you saw. It’s also very pricey compared to elsewhere. However I loved the buzz of the place and the huge choice of places to eat and drink – this makes a change from the usual one or two places on offer with limited food and drink options. The beach was lovely particularly so at station one where it is pristine and white white white. The sea is beautifully clean although there are very few fish compared to elsewhere. All in all I think it makes a great holiday for couples or singles especially if u can afford one of the fancy hotels near station 1. I think there are much better options (and cheaper) for family holidays …. I think Mum enjoyed it although she was a bit uncertain about the boats and tricycle rides on route…Its so easy to forget that scrambling in and out of boats and tricycles is not the normal for most people coming from Europe!

Last week work wise involved a trip to Cebu for work. I woke up and really had a hard time remembering which island I was on and what I was getting up for (a plane, a boat, a taxi) . Mum has been spending her time in Manila pottering around the Mall in the day daytime with Ate and Angelica and been to the pool too.

Friday was a big night out at the St Andrews Ball with Richard and Sarah our new friends from UK, well Uganda was their last posting. Took mum to Tony and Guy to get her hair done before off to R&S's house to get changed and a pre ball glass of wine. The night was fun even if the food was a bit naff – Mum was happy as every table got a bottle of scotch – I was happy as we could order as much wine as we wanted! And the pudding was good. The polo club was decked out with swords and shields and there were pipers and kilts galore. We even tried our hand at a Scottish reel or two.

Saturday was yet another day of endurance with an early start for Giannas sports day (after a late night at the ball) It was very Filipino – loud and chaotic but fun. It was a welcome relief at the end of the day to end up at Mayamaya with just the sound of the sea to go to sleep to. Yesterday was time to catch up on some rest lazing by the pool and in the spa before the trip back to Manila – under 2.5 hrs on a Sunday was almost a miracle but meant all the relaxation did not dissipate during 5 hours of traffic on way home.

Things not so cool at work – more for other staff as oppose to me- they have been told they will close March 2010 instead of October and there will be some redundancies in March 2009. VSO has been hit by the drop in pound badly and is expecting no inflation again next year from DFID. It was sort of inevitable when looking for savings that a programme already winding down would be a target for the cuts. Interestingly the news was delivered with a request for more KM work but not sure how/who is supposed to do this.

Meanwhile I have been applying for jobs…nothing much come up in Philippines but did apply for programme manager jobs in Cambodia and Samoa. I don’t expect to get far and not even sure I want them if offered but will cross that bridge if I come to it. I’m really trying to get a feel for how my CV looks to organizations.

I also trotted along to a KM event at the ADB in my ongoing quest to make friends and get a job there. Met some UK consultants doing basically the stuff I am introducing here with NGOS and LGUs…They of course probably getting my monthly salary per hour. Anyways took the opportunity to introduce myself and pick up some packaging tips which is basically what consultancy is all about.

The Global meltdown has started to hit here with some of the ex-pats working in engineering being laid off after Xmas. Michael (and Leona) are affected but plan to stay out here for while and try and ride the storm – going back to UK just soooo much more expensive – and they are already set up for their baby to be born here in February. Leona works at the Embassy and will get paid maternity leave so seems the best option.

Marc meanwhile has an interview this week for a head of sales job at a recruitment company. On the face of it seems to be a great opportunity although it will be a local salary and therefore won’t be enough for us to live on by itself. It will be great experience and will be good on marcs CV and more importantly will hopefully be something he can enjoy…anyways probably getting ahead of myself as not formally offered yet….

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Marc's Birthday - Can its really be Autumn already..

Time is now passing so quickly it is frightening...Marcs birthday was here before we knew it. We have a "surprise" party at Mayamaya - although by the time it came around he knew all about it ..... We went over night with a group of friends. Melanie did us proud with a lovely dinner and decorations woven from local materials - the weather was kind to us so we swam and sunbathed- last year it poured!

I had to dash away with Angelica the next morning early with Angelica as she had a photo shoot! It was a socks advert and we came away with 10 pairs of sicks and 160 quid. The socks not so useful in this climate the money definitely is!

I felt so guilty dragging Angelica away from the pool I took her straight to the barbie shop on the way home and let her blow 20 quid in a barbie frenzy...she was so happy. That was her first shoot her second was for an online catalogue. This time it was on location at a theme park which was much more fun. The studio shoot was much harder work. Angelica was the star partially because she is a little imp and always climbing up things. the photographer just followed her around on a rampage clicking away! We all got free passes for the park later - I must be getting old as I find the rides too scary....the weirdest one was the snow world! You payed 100p to go inside a big freezer with snow and ice slides in!! They handed out big coats to wear but we didn't last longer than 5 minutes inside. Angelica was quite impressed - I suppose she hasn't really seen snow before...
I was really quite ill after I got back from UK firstly with a bad cough which turned into asthma and then an ear infection! I think I just got too run down with the trip and then conference immediately afterwards...lessons to be learnt for next year if we are still away. Consequenlty took it fairly easy in the early part of October.
Work has been busy post conference turning the content into videos and other easily shared formats. I've also been making some short fundraising videos about our work in mindanao.Take a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXOaMPW7u-c and see the effects of the recent fighting on kids in Mindanao...if anyone would like a copy of our book Rise Mindanao drop me a line and will send back to UK with Mum who gets here in a couple of weeks time. It works about about 12 quid and every penny goes towards funding our PEACE work in Mindanao. I suppose postage would be around £3.00.
I have been busy working on CV and job hunting, well we both have. The nearer the time comes to leave the more unattractive returning to the UK seems. On the other hand I see lots of jobs I could apply for in the UK and not so many overseas. I have this week been through the whole applying for schools process for Gianna. The options arn't fabulous and although I have tried to make a case for being given special consideration...(off saving the world etc etc) we may be offered whatevers left for kids at home. Now we juts wait and see what happens in March.
Today we are off to a Halloween party for the kids hence the photos...we are way next week to www.pandan.com and then back to the fab house we had in March for my birthday where we will hook up with other friends.
I am looking forward to spending time as a family before Marc takes off to the Bahamas for 3 weeks to see his family. Its a long time since we had anything other than 3 days away and even longer since it was just us as we have tended to travel with visitors. The only challenge will be the 3am start for the ferry port to catch the only boat that will connect with the only jeepney that will get us to the island before nightfall..... travel Filipno style - I will never complain about London to Cornwall ever again....
The latest entertainment on the Filipino political front is the senior police officer caught carrying 100,000 euros out of Russia on his pay back from an Interpol conference. There was about 6 of them with their wives on a jolly . The money they were caught with at customs (it was above what u are allowed to carry out of the country) was what was left over, apparently they had P9.2 million in their "travel" fund. The lot thickens because although the Philippine National Police Force claim if was a contingency/expense fund...no-one can produce any evidence of this coming from any bank account. Therefore the suspicion of the investigating committee at the Senate is that the money has come from mafia type criminals that run an illegal gambling game called Jueteng. Its unlikely that anything will come out of the investigation - at the moment they can't even get the senior police to turn up...
Anyways off now for trick or treating and pumpkin chasing...............

Friday, September 5, 2008

Back home (there'll be singing about us...)

I think thats the title of the 1970 world cup -funny what songs u remember and what u forget! I can still sing the chorus! Anyways the blog title has nothing to do with footie, I mean back home in Manila, as oppose to back home in UK. All rather confusing really.

The jet lag was tough - straight back to work but kids up at 4am every morning then wanting to sleep all day....Luckily Gianna had exams so she had to leave at 6am but was home by 11 so could sleep. Meanwhile I had to prepare for a conference in Cebu. First ever event for VSOP where they got all the volunteers and partners together part of my KM strategy. Was away for a week and was damm busy - only just getting over it now. I think it was a success and delivered most of the objectives. It ended with an away day at a resort for the vols and staff. Nalusuan Resort - photos in previous blog- tiny island you can walk around in 4 minutes. It is the only privately owned marine sanctuary in the Philippines and it was wonderful - the reef that is- there was a very long pier. the kids counted over 100 blue starfish from one end to the other. http://nalusuan.mencaresorts.com/

The houses on stills were sweet and the water crystal clear. I thought the food limited and drinks a bit pricey. The main thing that put me off was the hordes of days trippers that came for lunch each day shattering any illusion of privacy. If u could hide away in your room for the 3 hours in the middle of the day it would be fine. Considering its proximity to Cebu about 1 hour transfer from airport its fabulous- go on a week day and avoid the rush!

We then went onto Camotes islands - whitest beaches we've visited outside Boracay and Palawan. Very under developed. We took an island tour P1800 and went all over San Francisco and its neighbour Poro connected by a bridge. The caves were great fun. http://www.camotesresorts.com.ph/home.htm. We stayed at Santiago Bay Garden resort = fantastic beach with marine sanctuary and lots of starfish. Great for kids. good value too - food and drink cheap - just very limited- I mean no fresh fish at all on menu yet a huddle of fishing boats on the beach. Sometimes things don't make sense but you learn to live with it.

The boat trip out on pump boats (2 hrs) was as entertaining as ever! On the way out the boat started smoking - the boatmen dived under the boat and freed peanut shells of all things from the water filter. Hummm someone snacking on duty?

On the way back it was like riding the ark! We got on early to get seats away from the engine (and smoke!) and the sides so we stayed dry! We were then entertained by the zoo that was brought on - goats, chickens, chicks, cockerels - the goats were particularly unhappy ....

It was one of those rare family weekends when its just us exploring and it was just what we needed. I also needed just to be back at home and an ordinary week of early nights to get over the hectic August. I was only along weekend but felt much longer and the weather was great- having now been through 2 Augusts I realise that even though rainy season u rarely get more than 10 days bad weather in one go and then as soon as it passes we then get 10 days of great weather so always possible to get to the beach!

Of course whilst we were in Cebu the fighting broke out in Mindanao. The government has been involved in " Peace" negotiations for almost 10 years on the establishment of a Moro ancestral domain. It was announced that an agreement had finally been reached and all parties headed off to Malaysia, who had brokered the deal, to sign a Memorandum of agreement (MOA). Then all hell broke loose - apparently no-one had shared with the senate what was in the deal not even the provinces where they would loose land to the new boundaries - The courts stepped in and declared the MOA invalid as it required constitutional change. The armed faction of the Moros started taking villages by force or at least couple of renegade commanders, venting their frustration at the futility of the 10 years negotiation.

Then things got very inflammatory with senators calling for all out war and for Christians to arm themselves - in other words a complete and utter mess. With civilians caught between a incompetent government and angry and humiliated armed separatists. Our volunteers were initially pulled out but are now back working but confined to "safe " areas - Many people have been displaced by the fighting so there is much work to do sorting out relief supplies as well as trying to advocate for some sort of dialogue although this seems unlikely now. The elections are in 2010 and this government or at least the president is unlikely to attempt anything that will affect her popularity. There is a huge difference between what is on TV and in the press and what is happening on the ground, meaning that its hard to see how any real discussion can take place, when most of the populace so totally uninformed. This is a great link from a well know peace advocate that trys to explain what is actually happening and why...

Marc's job has come to an (amicable) end. There wasn't sufficient work for him to be kept on although the experience was very good. With only 6 months left of my placement we are having to make some decisions about the future fairly soon. One major issue is to sort out our immigration status as we can't stay and work without this settled. We re currently looking at retirement visas believe it or not - you only have to be over 35. I'm seriously looking at job ads and other possibilities like consultancy. Marc is of course also looking for new possibilities although he's unlikely to get something via a advert its more likely to be through word of mouth so we are out networking when ever we can.

The kitties are growing fast. They fell from the roof into our yard about 3 months ago. We are all allergic to them except Angelica which is rather problematic. The plan is that they live outside- today is their first day out the front, as they finished their shots yesterday. It remains to be seen how self sufficient Molly and Run Run become at the moment as they prefer tuna and pilchards to eat, unless they work out how to open a tin, they would not survive long by themselves. Good job they have an attentive nanny Angelica.....

Gianna got her first quarter exam results and did very well with an overall score of 81. This even though she missed 3 weeks of school. All the studying whilst away oviously paid off. I would not do visit U,K again during the school term again though as too stressful, to keep up with school work and too short a time to see people. I think we would some how try and come for longer in May next year when the kids were off. Unless of cousre Gianna swicthes to international school in which case she will have 5 months off next summer - God help us!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The UK Tour 2008 and life back "home" in Manila...

Long time / no write.....what a marathon August has been.

We left for the UK via HK at the end of July. Hong Kong was fun we met up with Pete and Tomoko, and for the very first time met the lovely Mica. We stayed at their place on Lantau. It was 8 years since Gianna and I had last been to HK and probably 5 years since I had seen Pete. As with all good friendships it seemed like yesterday we were getting drunk in the Swan in Peckham ....reassuring that nothing really changes, I admit we're probably both more sensible these days although hopefully not too much. Pete and Tomoko have a lovely house, Pete and Mica are in the pool in the photo above. The modern house with views of the sea from the upper terrace is walking distance from the beach where we wandered for a great lunch..... HK was so clean and organised compared to Manila but accomodation is soooooo expensive its makes London seem cheap. Now I realise why we have friends that live in Manila and commute weekly to HK.

I took the girls to HK Disney on the day of our midnight flight. Much smaller than Florida or LA without the very big rides (They did have space mountain) which makes it perfect for smaller kids as u can easily get around everything in a day. However I suspect older ones would find it a little bit boring if they have been to the States....Most the the entertainers seemed to be Filipino apparently they recruited many entertainers from The Pines when they opened, including most of the members of the Manila Ballet company which has never recovered. Gianna had her photo taken with a huge number of disney charatcters and got their "autographs" I wondered whether they had to practice a specific signature for their character .............but not for too long.

The flight home was great, in fact BA was wonderful both ways - Great food - lovely wine and good films - watched Cold Mountain on the way there , never seen it b4 - thought it was great. Mum met us at the airport which was a lovely surprise and much needed as trying to get two kids and 4 suitcases across London was more challenging than I anticipated. I'm still wondering what was the role of the guard on the platform at barons court? - clearly not safety, as she waved her smart baton to tell the train to shut the doors whilst i had 2 bags and one kid on train, and 2 bags and one kid off train???????????

It was great to see Catia, Michael and the girls - we arrived into London on a gloriously hot day- if only London was like that 52 weeks a year! Although jet lagged it was so exciting to see Chris and Lawrence that night - you forget how much you miss people until u see them again, Friday meant a catchup with school friends for Gianna (see Eve above) and work friends for me. We met in the NFT on the Southbank - some of my favourite nights out in London in recent years were on the Southbank. It was just like the old days lots of wine and gossip. Having worked in the area for over 10 years theres quite a few nights to recall. Gianna was so happy to see her friends - Thanks Diana for getting everyone together - I realise I miss my circle of Mums more than I realise - Yummy Mummys rock!
Saturday was special as had a lunch with Erica, Derval and Helen before heading back to Michael's to meet Chas, Ruth and Haggis and of course the bro and Catia. The usual high jinks prevailed although our 7 am flight to Edinburgh the next day and serious jet lag sent me to bed before the more resilient members of the family.

We spent 4 days in Edinburgh with Molly and Mario and caught up with Maddalena and the girls . There was also the opportunity to catch up with Marc's cousins, aunties and uncles and the newest edition to the the family baby Archie who is extremely cute. Spent quality time with Maddalena and the kids as well as Molly and Mario. Plus of course the requisite trip to M&S for some underwear sale bargains. Filipinos do not have bums or boobs therefore no underwear fits me here. In fact that was one of the things that I noticed when I got to the UK - Big boobs and lots of cleavage everywhere and as for the bums .... for once mine felt almost average! However I do like being "Tall" here - back in UK I was munchkin Mulville again!
From Scotland we got the train down to Liverpool to see Mum friends and family on the Wirral. Mum had organised a barbie and lots of people came over to say hi . It was a lovely evening although my biggest regret was not seeing more of Bernie on the trip and missing seeing Jayne. We ahve to plan girls trip somewhere someday soonish. It was only an overnight stopover and we left for the Big Chill festival in Hereford the next day. The time was just too short.
Big Chill was fun and the weather was mostly warm (well that's what I was told)-Seemed a wee bit chilly to me on the Friday and as exhaustion was already kicking in I took to my sleeping bag for the afternoon.
Overall the BC worked a treat in that I got lots of time with all the friends that went including JoButters and Co, Jo/Brad and kids from Oz and Anna and family from Wales and of course a top time with my sis/bro and family. Jacqui excelled herself at dressing up (as did Bryony) a different outfit everyday I think the purple wig should became a regular feature.
Talking of wigs Michael and Maya got into appropriate attire for the Buzzcocks - he sporting a green spikey wig pogoing about- Ever fallen in love took me straight back to my first ever concert at Liverpool Empire in 1978. It was slightly disconcerting that Pete Shelly now looked like someones (grand)dad with a paunch, trackie bottoms and a shapeless shirt....The kids said the band shouted too much...echos of my mothers complaints, as I played love bites at top volume in my bedroom (on the record player with 50p on top to stop it jumping) ....personally I've always thought them quite tuneful!
The highlight was however Lennard Cohen - best night! Anna and I watched him together - . Norman Jay was cool as ever and of course the sun came out on Sunday afternoon for him! Mum who had looked after Angelica with her ever faithful assistance, Wendy, had managed a daily trip out without loosing her, or getting too stressed, which seemed nothing short of a miracle. Who knows maybe she'll be able to do the Chill next time! (Angelica not mother!) Whilst Gianna was sensible enough to go from 2 years old, Angelica is just so anarchic (at least with me) she could cause a major emergency all by herself- A lack of fear of anything or anyone!
The final leg of the Tour took in Cardiff where it seemed colder inside that outside and rained a lot. None of that mattered as there was lots of time with my sis and her kids and our course Mum. Managed to squeeze in an Indian and fish and chips, two must dos of the visit! Mum took the kids to Cardiff castle which was a huge success, even with Angelica who only wanted to see the "princess" inside. Saying goodbye was hard, although we'll be seeing mum again here this side of Xmas.
We arrived back in London for a final farewell dinner in Camberwell for old times sake - Phil was reassuringly the same - although I'd heard rumours he was more boring these days! We started at the Hermits for Old times sake - although only a few familiar faces and over four quid for a glass of wine ensured it was a short visit!...and then moved onto the Greek where Michael and Catia had had their wedding reception many years ago. Familar faces, familar venue and reassuringly familar behavior - fantastic!
The last day came too quickly and just in case we had forgotten what a "real"English barbecue was like it poured with rain for our farewell event at Chas and Ruth with the gang. (cheers guys love u lots and lots) We sat under a tarpaulin in the garden with coats on - not to be beaten! After an emotional goodbye and promises of visitors soon (better keep to it !)we set off for the long haul home.....
It was interesting to see just how Pinoy Angelica has become - All her references are now Filipino - In Scotland she pointed at the mountains shouting "Volcano". A walk in the woods - called a Jungle, she refused to drink water out the tap or put paper down the loo, kept asking for rice, refusing to eat potatoes or go to sleep b4 it was dark as it was too early! A problem in Scotland when it didn't get dark until 10.30 at night...She has spent a third of her life here now and it shows.
So how did we feel about going home? very mixed. I loved the how orderly it all was - Yes London seemed like a village compared to Manila! I liked the fact that people just say it the way it is and I understood their meaning, and people understood me! I hated the weather apart from the sunshine of course and it was worryingly expensive - We would need work (well paid work) to survive back there. The food was great and of course most of all just being with family and friends was the most satisfying in a lovely comfortable sort of way . At the same time everyone seemed so busy with their jobs/looking after kids and they don't exactly get together every weekend either. Life is much easier here than in the UK it seemed much less stressful! well at least for us.
It may sound selfish, but I hate the idea of going back to juggling the work/childcare/housework with a very limited social life worrying about money.....We may have to worry about money here but its a lot less we have to find to have a better quality of life. If I could live here and get home twice a year it would be perfect or live in UK with a stupendous salary so I could have the same standard of life I have here - In reality how much would that be? In excess of 100K I'd say. Oh and to get off to a hot beach once a month better add in another 10K.
And the kids? Gianna, who didn't want to go to the UK just before we left because she was missing too much fun at school, is now desperate to get back there and be with her friends in London -meanwhile Angelica just wanted to get back "home" to the Pines towards the end and Marc? - Well he refuses to contemplate a life back in the UK at all. I was happy to be back in Manila for a rest, and to see everyone here! Although the next 2 weeks were equally challenging with a week long conference to prepare and attend as soon as got back. At least it was a comfortable 28 degrees again....
All of this is of course academic because ultimately we can only live where we can earn an income ....the perfect scenario of course is unlikely to present itself, some compromises will need to be made - watch this space!